Influenza (Flu) Vaccinations in Brentwood, TN Physicians Urgent Care

School is back in session and flu season is near. Most parents are currently focused on making sure their kiddo has the needed school supplies to have a successful school year, but parents will soon be focused on helping their children avoid germs, catching a cold or getting the flu. Although flu season is unpredictable, it’s important that parents follow these steps to protect their children now.

Here are six ways parents can help their child beat the flu:

  1. Get the flu vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that anyone 6 months and older get an annual flu shot. While the flu vaccine won’t completely protect your little one from getting the flu, it can decrease the time that they are sick and help to lessen the symptoms. Talk to your healthcare provider about having your child vaccinated.
  2. Teach them how to practice covering their mouth when coughing or sneezing. Did you know that germs can spread up to 6 feet once coughed or sneezed into the air?  It’s important to teach your little one to cover his or her mouth and nose by using a tissue or by sneezing or coughing into the forearm. They should always wash their hands afterward.
  3. Keep hands washed often. Along with getting the flu vaccine, teaching your kiddo how to properly wash his or her hands is an important defense against germs that cause the flu virus. Hand washing can also help protect against other germs, illnesses and viruses that currently don’t have available vaccines. You should make it a habit to always wash your hands when using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, before and after eating, and before and after serving or preparing food.
  4. Thoroughly clean surfaces and shared objects. The flu virus can live up to eight hours on surfaces. Use hot water with soap or cleaning products that kill the influenza virus to remove germs from child’s toys, items with handles, countertops, tables, television remotes, etc. If you’re not sure what products will get rid of the flu virus, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a list of disinfectants that are effective against the virus on their website.
  5. Stay Healthy. Having a well-balanced diet that provides your body with the needed nutrients that boost your immune system is a good health practice during the cold and flu season. Adequate rest and exercise can also help to optimize your child’s immune system. Parents can help their little ones fight the flu every day by keeping their immune system strong by taking a multi-vitamin.
  6. Keep your child at home when they’re sick.  To limit the spread of germs to others, you should keep your child at home when they have the flu. Try to keep them contained in their own room if they are the only one sick in the family.

If you’re unsure if your child is coming down with the flu, schedule a visit with their pediatrician or visit your neighborhood Physicians Urgent Care. Emergency room doctors are available to provide care to you and your family when your normal healthcare provider is unavailable. No appointment is necessary to receive timely treatment in Brentwood, TN or Franklin, TN.